My Profile

Liam J. Foy


"If you're going through hell, keep going."

Winston Churchill


I joined the NetBSD Project aged 17. I ported CARP (Common Address Redundancy Protocol) and built IPv6 Fast Foward into the NetBSD kernel. I have also done Release Engineering and other misc. changes. NetBSD is used by many Fortune 500 companies.


At Zednax/Medoc we build financial software for large financial entities, such as currency exchanges, large online retailers and 3rd party payment processors.

OpenBSD Store

Zednax/Medoc also own OpenBSD Store. We distribute OpenBSD merchandise throughout Europe. We help to fund the project which is also responsible for OpenSSH & PF!

James Foy Construction (Liverpool Builders)

James Foy Construction is a family company, owned by my father. I maintain the office systems, CRM and phone systems. I also maintain the website.

James Foy Plumbing (Plumbers Liverpool)

Owned by my family, this is the plumbing arm of JFC. This offers a more rapid service. I have built multiple pieces of software, such a customised CRM which can automatically communicate with the engineers in the vans and allows engineers to communicate back, with payments etc. I have also sold this software to other plumbing companies in other areas of the United Kingdom. I also maintain their website.

James Foy Electrics (Electricians Liverpool)

Electrical arm of JFC.



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